Michael Schoenfeld is an acting coach that offers a modern approach to scene study and script breakdown based on Stanislavski’s method. His program has been updated to meet the demands of Hollywood film and television casting, and is heavily influenced by the teachings of Michael Chekhov and Viola Spolin’s Improvisation For Scripted. With more than 25 years of experience teaching, Michael is dedicated to helping his students reach their highest potential.
If you're an aspiring actor looking for the expertise of a professional acting coach, look no further than Mike. He's currently accepting private students on an interview basis with reasonable and actor-friendly prices. He provides audition prep, self-taping help, script breakdown, scene study and basics of Chekhov technique, either in a private setting or to your class or group. Secure a spot now - openings are limited!
CONTACT: unstpabl1@gmail.com
"Great workshop. Mike's style was so on point and truly opened my eyes with his notes. Completely changed the audition for the better with each group. Thank you Mike."
That was epic! Thank you @unstapabl1 Michael Shoenfeld for an Actor’s Life changing class!! Just brilliant coaching!!